Saturday, May 06, 2006

happy NSD!! That's National Scrap Day for all of you non-scrappers!! I did a layout! Love it. Love that pic of Anna even though she was facing the sun. She is getting too big--she told me today that she did not need to come and sleep in my bed anymore--she was a big girl now. She must have forgotten that convo tonight--she was begging to sleep in my bed just an hour ago.

Another reason to celebrate: Haley decided to potty train herself today. She got up, put on panties and only had one accident. Hallelujah, praise the Lord and sing hosanna!!!! I don't want to count my chickens before they've pooped but gosh darn I hope this trend takes! How lovely would that be...L


Anonymous said...

YAY for potty training. Love your layout..gorgeous pic!

Deanna Payne said...

I haven't looked at your blog since before your vacation. Boy have you been busy. I love all the scrapping you have done.

You gotta love a child that will potty train herself!

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous layout and a beautiful girl! CONGRATULATIONS on the potty training. i hope it sticks! i'm jealous!! ;)