Saturday, May 19, 2007

well as you can see--new banner and template! go me! trust me--i been a wantin' to change this thing forever!!! so i finally plunged in and got it done! just a simple little blog title. my first! plus links are now all at the bottom. all of this done with a severe head cold! look for more changes when i get time (insert laughter here) and feel better.

lisa out...


Kerry said...

Whoa! I'm impressed! What a show off you are. And that design is very you!

Michelle said...

cuuuuuuuute! love it.

Maddy said...


Anonymous said...

very beautiful, did i inspire it?

Lisa said...

of course you did!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look! Looks good!

Anonymous said...

oooooh. Love the new looksie! Love that lil' family too! In a few years you'll have some grandkids thrown in the mix! YAY!