Monday, October 30, 2006

you know how when something is just meant to be? you'll never guess what was on my front doorstep this afternoon...yep, "the costume!" the box was all taped up and the woman's street number crosssed out and mine written in. oh, and it isn't a police officer uniform after all, i'm in the marines...the few, the proud, the Lisa...L


Kerry said...


Who is messing with you? You really ordered it didn't you??? ;)

This is too funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should mention your "secret weapon" to all your friends. haha. I can't believe you told the fed ex man. Could you spare your most beloved child of public mortification!!! I've said it once and I'll say it again, life is never boring with you as my mom.

Anonymous said...

IWMPP...I want more pictures posted!

Lisa said...

hey--child of mine--what are you doing up past 10?? i think i should ground you!!!! oh--anonymous--i did get pics posted finally!!!!

Maddy said...

Are you kidding me? That's HYSTERICAL!

Love love love your stories! Happy Halloween