Wednesday, October 04, 2006

well, on my last post my oldest daughter commented on the fact that she didn't have any pics of her up on my blog--but if she had been reading it all along she would have known that in july after the hawaii trip there are a lot of pics of her--really cute ones too! so i guess i'll add another here. thanks brianne for brightening my day and week for me. love you and miss you and can't wait until thanksgiving!!


Michelle said...

that's two hot chickies there!

Anonymous said...

she is beautiful, lisa! :)

Anonymous said...

Dang LIsa you are HOT! Your daughter is so GORGEOUS! BEAUTIFUL picture! Tammi

Anonymous said...

Hi, Brianne! It's about time your mom started showing you some love. The oldest always gets forgotten! ;)

You guys look great! And I can only hope I have as special a relationship with my daughters as you two have.

Kerry said...

Sure, I think that Lisa was just looking for another excuse to show off her hot-ness. ;)

Waving to Brianne! - I know your mom is SO excited about seeing you at Thanksgiving.

Maddy said...

CUte!!!! Now stop rubbing in how gorgeous you are. GRRRR!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this post? Great photo!!! Brianne is a beauty! ANyone see any cleavage anywhere???

Anonymous said...

I love you mom!!! and your friends are pretty cool too. they're keepers.