i must preface this post with a little known fact of myself. I'm a mooner. I moon people. not all the time and not just anyone, but friends and family have not been a stranger to me pulling my pants down and getting a flash of my backside. it's just funny. i once mooned my sister and her entire family at disneyland (and whoever else was driving by the intersection at katella!)
ok--so the other day david and i are driving and we drive past our neighbor's real estate office which is just down the street from us and david says that i should moon him--we are just laughing hysterically and i say no way and there were people in the office anyway--so we went on by--then when we drive back later david is like --ok moon him. so it seemed funny as hell at the time--so i mooned him--then i'm thinking--oh, he's gonna tell his wife and she doesn't like me anyway--blah, blah, blah. david says he could see him leaning way out of his desk and looking out the window when i mooned him. so david calls him last night to talk to him and then hands me the phone and says his wife wants to talk to me--then she tells me--so i heard you mooned my husband--please don't do that again--i was so freaked out i told her that david made me and she said 'what, you got no will of your own? you can't control whether you pull your pants down?' so now i think she is totally pissed--which if she had mooned david i totally wouldn't care--it's just a butt! and i wasn't like 2 feet in front of him--i was way down the street in a truck driving by. so then i was getting nervous so i told her i didn't do it and that her husband and mine were making up stories--then she says 'well, i didn't think nice mormon girls did that' david says i should have told her 'who said i was a nice mormon girl?' :) david says she was just teasing me but i wasn't sure.
so i get off the phone with her and i'm freaking out and telling david "i told you that was a bad idea--now she's mad at me and not only did i moon her husband i just freakin' lied about! oy vey" and now she's gonna want to know who's lying--me or her husband. so later this same night (last night) i am in the bedroom and david comes around the corner talking on his cell--he is just saying "um, yeah, ok. well here she is" then he tries to hand me the phone and tells me it is the wife again. i am about to hyperventilate and i'm yelling at david that i don't want to talk to her. he keeps handing me the phone and like an idiot i take it and say 'hello' and you have to realize that at this point i am a wreck! well, i don't hear anything--no one talking, no noise, anything--what i do hear at that moment is my husband keeled over on the bed laughing hysterically--he can't stop except to say "april fools!" hell--it's october!! he says he is taking this as his april fools cuz he can never get me and I always get him so it is his "april fools in october" then he tells me that i can "blog that!" ha ha
so he's right--he got me good. and the moral to this story--leave your pants on!! and then if you don't want everyone to know for heaven's sake don't blog it!
oh--and brianne if you're reading this i'm sorry--you should know your momma well enough by now to know she does stupid things like this! ok--shanna--you can stop snorting now! :)