Thursday, March 12, 2009

so last weekend as i was complaining about all the stuff i needed to get done around the house a wise person told me to take the girls and go do something. so we did. we went to the zoo here in prescott. it was a treat. they have a new tiger. we also got to see a black bear, porcupine, mountain lion and some horrendously nasty spiders. it was beautiful weather and i was glad i slowed down for a minute and enjoyed my girls and nature.

now, over on kaelene's blog she is doing a cute little 'pay it forward' type of thing. she said that the first five posters to her blog would get something handmade from her within the year. but the catch was that you had to give away something on your blog as well. so since taylor just watched that movie in school and i love kaelene i will offer something handmade by me within the year to the first five posters on my blog. and it made me think of my favorite quote on 'the soprano's': i know every day is a gift, but does it have to be a pair of socks? so no socks from me...L


Nicole said...

Hey Lisa!! I hope I get something from you. I pitty the person who gets something handmade from me. I am thinking cookies...

Nicole said...
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Brianne said...

I want something! Yipee. I want it to be very expensive and take you lots of time:)

Brianne said...

I want something! Yipee. I want it to be very expensive and take you lots of time:)

Brianne said...

I want something! Yipee. I want it to be very expensive and take you lots of time:)

Maddy said...

I want something too! But does it count if I've already done it and have 5 people to give stuff to?

Lisa said...

ok--brianne, you can't take up 3 posts and think you are getting 3 different things. there will be no cake for you...

Lisa said...

maddy--you will get your gift from me--no worries.

Kerry said...

so between brianne cheating and posting three times, one deleted comment and you, do I make it in the top five???

Kaelene said...

I love your trip to the zoo day! Good job, mom!
I miss you!