Wednesday, February 04, 2009

see any similarities here???


Nicole said...


Brianne said...

Yes Nicole, it was recycling and now my mother is corrupting my angel...and she wonders why I'm never going to bring the grandbabies around!?!

Kerry said...

LMAO at Nicole's comment!!

Anonymous said...

Got a lime to go with? ;)

Shanna said...

um..... I prefer flavored thank you.


Hey hooker!!!!!

Guess what the Fed Ex guy brought me today!!!!!

My brand new Dell Computer!

Woot Woot!

Now I won't miss anymore blog posts!


Lisa said...

does recycling put a smile on your face that big???

and haley was with her dad with that picture. the grandbabies are still safe!

Nick and Ashley said...

I don't know about that, girls pick up habits from the mama.

Let's just hope it gets littler and littler with each generation. Maybe the grandkids are safe.

Kaelene said...

ha ha ha .. . . Lisa, you are to be scolded for posting such photos of your cough, cough, innocent children, cough! LOL

Samantha said...

oh my. what have ya'll been getting in to?! do i need to come out there?

Anonymous said...

haley, i miss you so much. enjoy your life baby. dad.

Maddy said...

Aww, like mother like daughter.