Sunday, March 16, 2008

everyone, i'd like you to meet bubble. about a month ago haley told me she was changing her name to bubble. when someone asked her about it she said 'my name is haley, but my friends call me bubble.' she can spell bubble in sign language, signs all pre-school papers as bubble, says her name in a prayer as 'bless bubble' and signs birthday cards--bubble. i don't know where she got this name but it's not going away anytime soon. and it suits her as she is quite bubbly. and talkative. a talkative bubble.

so it was sort of a bummer of a week. really a downer. won't go into details but seriously folks--yuck. and i don't want to talk about it or bring you all down into the bummer-ness of it. so there.

on a positive note, and since it is a sunday, i will say that i know God answers prayers. literally. when you need it most. and to let you know 'hey--i love you and i see your problems and i want you to know i am here.' and i have to say that i was very grateful. i know problems and trials all come our way and sometimes God lets you struggle through them. but He knows when to step in and help you out when you need it. and i needed it about 4-5 times this month already.

but things are looking up and i'm grateful for life and family. my family. my husband and kids. there is not a day that i don't thank God for giving me the best kids on the face of the earth. love them fiercely. of course spring break starts tomorrow so look forward to the post about me putting my kids up on ebay. except bubble. she's a keeper...L


Jeff said...

Jeff and I were estatic that Haley signed his card Bubble! I'm so happy Heavenly Father is helping you out, you deserve it. I love you so much mom!!!

Kaelene said...

Bubble?? Lisa, have you already been sharing the secrets of how to come up with your porn star name?? LOL
I'm glad that your prayers are being answered. You DO deserve that, as Brianne said!

Anonymous said...

How cute is Bubble. Very cute. Oh and I hope you are doing better. Take care you!~Ash

Maddy said...

OH man! I love her name change. I've had a few friends whose kids have done this, but never mine own. I kind of want one of them too. Can I force it on them? I've never heard them use a name as cute as BUBBLE though. That is SUPER DUPER cute. I love how her "friends call her Bubble." One of Nate's boy friends went by Dora for awhile, ha ha ha!

And I'm so sorry you're having a rough patch, but I know what you mean about prayers being answered. I can't imagine what i would do if I didn't have the Lord to rely on. He is always there for me.

Lorie said...

She is such a beautiful girl!

laura said...

your bubble is about the cutest thing ever, lisa!

sorry you've been having a rough time. i hope that better things are in store for you and your family! :)

Nicole said...

All I can say is Thank Heavens for the Baby in the family!! Hope Spring Break goes really fast :)

Anonymous said...

Always thinkin' 'bout ya! Hope this week is better girl! And bubble.....that is the cutest thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Kerry said...

where did my post go? Freaking blogger.

Love the pictures, and the bubble story is so cute!!!