spring break here--for another week. taylor is back in school but the rest of the girls have this week off. we went camping this last week and had a blast--as you can tell from the pictures. oh yeah--no pictures--cuz my camera got turned to the wrong settings and i wasn't aware. so sad. nothing came out. but believe you me--it was good times. my cousin and his family went with us and our kids had a blast.
now let me tell you why i love camping sooooo much. there are two big reasons. number one is that david does pretty much everything. he packs it, unpacks it, sets it all up, cooks, cleans, packs it all up again and unpacks it. i do help--but mainly he is a one man camping machine. it dawned on me that the reason i like to camp is because for a few days i get to be the husband--you know the one that kicks back and watches tv while the wife is slaving away--I LOVE IT!
reason number two--and really the best part about camping. peeing in the woods. nothing like it. i love it. how easy is that? need to pee? drop trou and pee away. no waiting in lines, getting stuck w/o t.p., no kids banging on the door or just coming in, no driving like a madwoman to get to a place to pee. nada. i need to go--i do. my favorite part. not so much my kids though. they don't enjoy it like me. except haley. she would just pull down her pants and go anywhere--didn't matter who was around either! in fact when we got home she told me she needed to go to the bathroom and when i went to take her inside she told me she wanted to go outside! ha she gets more and more like me everyday!
so some highlights from the camping trip--david got a dune buggy. the girls drove it around--taylor loves it. her and her cousin practically lived in it. the other fun thing we got was a rhino--david traded my motorcycle and another quad that never got used for it. that thing is pure unadulterated F-U-N. we had a blast! the best part is that it is street legal so i can drive it around town. and yes--wish i had pics--but they will come later. oh--and taylor and her cousin Brielle got stopped by a sheriff and he followed them back to our camp and my cousin got an earful of how he could have been ticketed and fined. a little excitiement. i think taylor and brielle were pretty shook up. of course that provided the rest of the jokes for the duration of camping. lots of dirt, a lack of sleep and s'mores=good times. and oh yeah--mexican food. there happened to be a little mexican place that we slipped away to for not one but two dinners. so cool not to have to cook at night and have some chips and salsa. and i am sure they haven't seen dirty campers before!
glad to be back home now and spend the rest of the week with the girls--haircuts tomorrow and hopefully pictures...L