it's funny. how we grow, change and develop. sometimes not even aware of the subtle changes in our life. like how this year marks 30 years since my high school graduation. how i'm a single mom. how i can't remember the last time i sat down and cried over my life as a single mom, my divorce, my panic of trying to do it all. how my 16 year old daughter is a junior in high school. and my other 15 year old started high school this year. and that my almost 12 year old is in her last year of elementary school. and my baby is almost nine. and i have a grandchild. and a daughter who owns her own home. and my son is a blessing to me and my girls right now. how i used to scrapbook voraciously and hardly do it anymore. how i wish i could find the time to take more photographs. how life changes in an instant and not at all--at the same time. but i'm grateful for my lovely kids, the wonderful blessing they are. what joy they bring me...L